

Terraform is a program which tracks and updates cloud-computing resources.



terraform apply [FOLDER] update all resources declared in [FOLDER]
terraform console [FOLDER] start interactive console (for debugging)
terraform destroy [FOLDER] deactivate every resource declared in [FOLDER]
terraform fmt [FOLDER] autoformat all .tf files in [FOLDER]
terraform init [FOLDER] install modules and do any necessary initialization
terraform output [VARIABLE] show output variable(s)
terraform plan [FOLDER] predict what apply [FOLDER] will do
terraform show show current state (might include secrets!)
terraform taint [RESOURCE] mark [RESOURCE] as broken, stale, and/or unsafe
terraform untaint [RESOURCE] undo terraform taint [RESOURCE]



Autoformat staging folder and check for errors.

terraform fmt staging
terraform validate staging

Save an execution plan for the staging folder, then show the plan in JSON format.

terraform plan -out myplan staging
terraform show -json myplan

Destroy and rebuild some_resource which was declared in the staging folder.

terraform taint some_resource
terraform apply staging

Apply changes to staging folder without being prompted to confirm.

terraform apply -auto-approve staging


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Terraform Commands (CLI)
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© Sam Kennerly 2023. Licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Built by a Quarto
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